Two camels with four men handling the animals standing in front of Alamo Church

Did you know that there was a time when camels were used by the U.S. Army at the Alamo? For a brief time in the 1850’s, the U.S. Army experimented with using camels. Camels had key advantages when compared to horses and mules, like being able to traverse areas with severe heat while using very little water. Ultimately, the U.S. Army chose to not use camels after this trial run. During this brief experiment, camels were used at the Alamo during the time that it was a U.S. Army outpost in the 1850’s.

Founded in 1997 by Doug Baum, the Texas Camel Corps visits sites with the goal of educating the public about the use of camels in America during the 19th century. This includes historic reenactments with live camels at schools, museums, libraries, and historical sites like the Alamo. 

Learn more about this forgotten part of Alamo history when the Texas Camel Corps visit on Saturday, June 21.

Event Information

Saturday, June 21, 2025
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Living History Encampment
Street Address:

The Alamo

300 Alamo Plaza

San Antonio, TX 78205

map it

Additional notes:

A visit to the Alamo and/or attendance at events is an agreement by the participant and/or the parent or guardian to allow the Alamo to photograph and/or film participants without compensation for possible use in digital/print marketing and publicity efforts. Please contact the Alamo’s marketing director at 210-225-1391 with questions or requests to exempt your image from potential promotional use.

Camel in Alamo Plaza across from Long Barrack
Camel showing teeth tied to a tree in Alamo Plaza
Camel seated next a man across from Emily Morgan Hotel
Two camels on green lawn area of Alamo Gardens