Long Barrack Archaeology Update - July 26

July 26, 2024

This week two excavation units (EUs 18 and 25) were active and EUs 16 and 22 were idle. Artifact processing occurred throughout the week.

In EU-18 archaeologists reached an approximate depth of 100 cm below surface. A construction fill deposit with a high density of limestone cobbles and brick fragments was mapped and documented. The construction fill deposit was previously identified and documented in EU 19 and the layer extends into adjacent unexcavated units. This deposit is temporally associated with the Spanish Colonial period of the site. The deeper levels of this unit contained fewer artifacts than previous levels.

Bottom of excavation unit with limestone concentration throughout
Construction fill episode in EU-18, photo facing north.
Light green fragment of ceramic cup with round bottom on a bed of gravel
Spanish colonial cup fragment from EU-18.
Crossed pipes at bottom of excavation unit with limestone concentration
EU-25 at approximately 50 cm below surface, photo facing south.

In EU-25 archaeologists reached an approximate depth of 50 cm below surface. Although there was still evidence of modern disturbance (e.g., utility pipes, landscaping materials, and modern objects), archaeologists did encounter a limestone and mortar concentration in the northwestern quadrant of the unit. This feature corresponds with the limestone feature identified in the adjacent EU-16. Recovered artifacts include metal, ceramic, lithic, and glass.

Artifact fragments in a gray tub separated by superclass
Artifacts organized by superclass in the lab.
Thimble, key, and clay pipe stem artifacts next to a ruler for size
Thimble and key (top) and clay pipe stem (bottom)