Long Barrack Archaeology Update - July 19

July 19, 2024

Four excavation units (EUs 16, 18, 22, and 25) were active this week. EUs 22 and 25 were opened this week. Artifact processing in the lab also continued throughout the week.

Two button fragments next to a ruler for size
Two buttons, one made of animal bone (L) and a second made of shell (R), were identified in the lab.

Archaeologists in EU-16 reached a depth of approximately 50 cm below surface. Archaeologists exposed a limestone cobble feature that is likely an extension of a previously identified feature from EU-15. Additionally, a possibly associated articulated cobble surface was encountered approximately 30 cm below surface. Since a majority of this unit was removal of the modern landscaping deposit, few artifacts were recovered.

Excavations in EU-18 reached an approximate depth of 60 cm below surface. Archaeologists encountered a limestone cobble fill deposit at approximately 32 cm surface that was previously seen in the adjacent EU-19. Artifacts encountered include glass, ceramic, lithics, metal, and building materials.

Limestone feature at the bottom of an excavation unit
Limestone Feature in EU-16, photo facing east.
Dirt and limestone surface at bottom of excavation unit
EU-18 at 60 cm below surface, photo facing north.

EU-22 was set up this week and is adjacent to the previously excavated EU-21. In EU-22, archaeologists reached a depth of approximately 50 cm below surface. The upper levels consisted of modern landscape fill that contained a high density of modern materials, such as a plastic bead, screws, and plastic wrapping. An irrigation pipe was also encountered at approximately 22 cm below surface.

A new unit, EU-25, was opened adjacent and to the east of EU-16. In EU-25, archaeologists excavated to a depth of approximately 30 cm below surface. Archaeologists continue to work in landscape fill similar to EU-22. Utility conduits and other landscaping features were present in these modern levels.

Smooth, dirt surface at bottom of excavation unit with a red pail in the corner
EU-22 at the end of excavations, photo facing south.
Smooth, dirt surface at bottom of excavation unit with pipe
EU-25 at 30 cm below surface, photo facing south.