Archaeological investigations continued in the Phase 2 Project Area this week. Excavation of five backhoe trenches (#s 2, 3, 11, 8, 7) was completed. All trenches showed evidence of previous disturbance and no archaeological features nor artifacts were encountered. Archaeological trenching has been completed, but archaeologists will continue to monitor all ground-disturbing activities.
Backhoe Trench 2 was a north-south trench located within Alamo Street and west of the Mission Gate exhibit (Figure 1). This trench was approximately 21 feet (ft) (6.3 meters [m]) in length, 3 ft 2 inches (1 m) in width, and had a maximum depth of 6 ft 4 in (1.95 m). There were no cultural deposits and no evidence of any archaeological features, such as structural elements. No artifacts were encountered within this trench.