Alamo Area Construction News - September 20

September 20, 2024
Map of Alamo area construction in August 2024

Traffic Restrictions in the Alamo District: Vehicle access has been restricted on the Alamo grounds since last year, particularly from Commerce St. to Crockett St. and along Crockett St. from Alamo Plaza to Losoya St. Also, on Houston St. between Losoya St. and Alamo Plz. These limitations have been crucial in allowing construction activities to proceed smoothly.

For pedestrian convenience and safety, we've implemented several enhancements:

  • A protective fence now surrounds the future Texas Cavalier Education Center, cordoning off the southern part of the Alamo Gardens and the passage between the Menger Hotel and the Alamo, while maintaining uninterrupted pedestrian flow.
  • Defined pedestrian lanes are in place from North to South on Alamo Plaza and East to West on Crockett St., marking the western boundary of the Alamo District.
  • Two pedestrian routes near the Menger Hotel stretches from North to South, providing a direct passage linking Alamo Plaza with the River Center Mall vicinity.
  • Dedicated pedestrian flow is established on the north side of Houston Street, between Alamo Street and Losoya Street.

1923 Filming in Downtown San Antonio - Important Update

Filming for 1923, a Yellowstone prequel series by Paramount, will begin soon in downtown San Antonio. The City of San Antonio’s Department of Arts & Culture anticipates varying closures along Broadway and Peacock Alley starting September 16 until September 27. In addition, temporary road closures and detours have been implemented on Broadway between Third Street and Sixth Street, with lane restrictions expected. While this activity is not part of the Alamo Plan and falls outside our project scope, we want to ensure stakeholders are informed of these temporary adjustments. For more information visit the City of San Antonio's Film Commission informational page here

301 and 307 Alamo Plaza - Important Update

Map of construction in 301 and 307 Alamo Plaza

Next week, the fence line in front of 301 and 307 Alamo Plaza will be adjusted to align with the edge of the tree planters closest to the structures. This phase of work is expected to last approximately four weeks, after which the area will be reopened. Please note that the sidewalk will remain accessible throughout the entire process. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. We appreciate your continued patience and understanding.

Houston St. North Street Scape

Map of Houston Street area impacted by Alamo construction
Red brick sidewalk area with tree planters

To facilitate utility line work, the fence line at the north end of the Houston St. North Streetscape project will be temporarily shifted a 2-3 feet north next week. This slight adjustment will last for a few days, after which the fence line will be returned to the curb on the northern side of Houston St.. This is a temporary measure, and the corridor dimensions will return to how it currently is structured in that location. Pedestrian and business access to this corridor will not be blocked. 

In 2018, the San Antonio City Council voted to transform this section of Houston Street, which includes part of the Alamo Mission and battlefield footprint, into a pedestrian-only zone after construction, enhancing both visitor experience and safety. To support local businesses, wayfinding signage will be installed and updated maps will be established in coordination with the City of San Antonio, ensuring smooth traffic flow and accessibility during this transition.

Bohnam St. Utility Work

The eastern lane of Bonham Street, located behind the Alamo, has officially reopened after utility line construction was completed in just 8 days—ahead of the anticipated two-week timeline. Starting on September 4th, the project initially extended south to East Crockett Street and temporarily closed the single-lane access on Bonham Street.

Clark/Guido Neighbor Letter

Our General Contractor, Clark Guido, who is managing many of the projects related to the Alamo Plan, has prepared a letter for the Alamo's surrounding neighbors. This letter includes important information and points of contact should you wish to reach out directly to Clark Guido during the ongoing construction.

We want to ensure that you feel informed and supported throughout this process. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Alamo directly. We are here to assist you and appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance this historic site.

Alamo Promenade

This thoughtfully designed area south of Plaza de Valero will feature statues commemorating significant figures, benches for relaxation, additional trees for shade, and historical signage. These elements will create an inviting space that bridges the connection between Commerce St. and Plaza de Valero, offering both a place of reflection and an educational journey through Texas’s storied past.

The current construction fence footprint at Plaza de Valero will expand south to Commerce St. sometime AFTER Labor Day weekend. Access for pedestrians to traverse East-to-West across Alamo St. will be at  both Blum St. and Commerce St.

Rendering of Alamo Promenade with a family posing for a photo in front of a photographer

Visitor Center and Museum (VCM)

The demolition work for the Visitor Center and Museum project is progressing. As part of these efforts, Houston Street adjacent to the VCM has been closed to facilitate logistics. Additionally, the fenced parameter for this project has been extended into Alamo Plaza. Please refer to the updated stakeholder map at the top of this notice for further details.

Evening view of facade of Alamo Visitor Center and Museum

Mission Gate & Lunette

The Mission Gate and Lunette interpretation is now available to view. There is surrounding supplemental work still taking place, including the installation of additional lighting this week. The corridor between the Mission Gate and Lunette and the Menger Hotel will reopen in the fall as these utility lines are being installed. The Alamo Arcade corridor is still accessible during this time. 

This week, concrete has been poured, pavers have been installed, and lighting work is ongoing.

Fresh concrete area in construction zone

Plaza de Valero

While we've worked hard to stay on schedule, unforeseen challenges have impacted the opening of Plaza de Valero (pictured below). We appreciate your patience and understanding as we ensure the highest quality for this project.

Work on the paillon continues, and the installation of pavers and several trees throughout Plaza de Valero is ongoing.

Two construction workers at Plaza de Valero construction site in front of pavilion stage

Paseo del Alamo

The Paseo del Alamo project, connecting the Riverwalk and the Alamo, is moving forward. Since January 15, 2024, construction fencing has been erected to secure and define the construction area. New rendering windscreens were recently placed at this location to help show how the space will appear. (Rendering below) Access to the Ripley's Believe It or Not! gift shop remains open to pedestrians.

Rendering of people looking at water feature at Paseo del Alamo

Texas Cavaliers Education Center

Outside of education center building

The demolition of the Alamo Annex has been completed, clearing the way for the new construction of the Texas Cavaliers Education Center. With the site now clear, construction of the new center, scheduled to open in Fall 2025, has begun. This phase involves encapsulating the historic Alamo Hall within the new center, integrating it into the state-of-the-art facility. The construction process will ensure that the Alamo Hall is preserved and enhanced as part of the new center, providing a rich learning environment for students.

Red banner with arrow to show direction of Alamo Plaza Shops and Restaurants

Wayfinding Signage: In partnership with the City of San Antonio, signs are being placed to promote local businesses in the affected area, ensuring visitors remain informed that these establishments are still operational and accessible. Wayfinding signs have been strategically placed to navigate around the Alamo District efficiently.

Wayfinding Map: Thanks to the collaboration with Visit San Antonio, we have developed an Alamo Plaza Wayfinding Map. This resource is designed to enhance your visit by providing clear and comprehensive navigation through the area. You can download a copy of the map here.

Please note that this map is also in the process of being updated to include businesses on Houston St. between Alamo St. and Losoya St.

Extended Hours for Greater Access: The pathway through the Alamo Arcade is open daily from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., ensuring continuous access from near the Alamo Church to the Menger Hotel.

Map of Alamo Plaza wayfinding

Safety and Accessibility
The safety of our community, visitors, and team members remains our top priority. We sincerely thank you for respecting these safety measures and refraining from entering restricted zones. 
Your Valued Input
Your insights and suggestions have proven invaluable to us. We're dedicated to keeping you informed every step of the way, and we welcome your input in refining our communication process. If you know of any additional contacts who should receive our weekly updates, please don't hesitate to let us know. Your support in keeping our community well-informed is greatly appreciated.
Staying Connected
As we move forward with our construction endeavors, we encourage you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you might have. We're here to address any inquiries and provide you with the information you need. Your enthusiasm and patience inspire us, and we're excited to continue this journey together.

In addition to these weekly construction updates, the Alamo Trust, Inc. also hosts quarterly breakfast updates, bi-weekly calls, and joins the City of San Antonio downtown construction updates. If you would like to be added to the distribution listings for the quarterly in person breakfast meetings or virtual bi-weekly calls, please reach out to
Thank you once again for being part of our community's progress. We look forward to the day when these enhancements will further enrich the Alamo and downtown San Antonio experience for generations to come.

Jonathan Huhn 
Communications Director
Alamo Trust, Inc.
(210) 293-6064

Emily Baucum
Public Relations Manager
Alamo Trust, Inc. 
(210) 669-0282