Rose, James M.

James M. Rose, Alamo defender, son of Dr. Robert Henry and Frances Taylor (Madison) Rose, was born in Ohio in 1805. He was a nephew of James Madison, fourth president of the United States. Rose came to Texas from Arkansas at the time of the Texas Revolution and joined David Crockett sometime between early January and early February of 1836. He served in the Alamo garrison and died in the battle of the Alamo on March 6, 1836. Alamo survivor Susannah W. Dickinson remembered Rose talking to her husband, Almaron Dickinson, about a narrow escape during the early stages of the Alamo siege. She described Rose as being of medium height and heavy set, having a full square face, and speaking very rapidly. She also stated that he had light freckled skin, sandy hair, blue grey eyes, and broad, stooped shoulders.