Millsaps, Isaac

Isaac Millsaps, Alamo defender, son of Thomas and Bathsheba (Williams) Millsaps, was born in Tennessee in 1795. He entered the Tennessee militia on September 20, 1814, and served as a private. He married Mary Blackburn of Pike County, Mississippi. He and his blind wife had seven children. At the time of the Texas Revolution he was a resident of Gonzales. On February 23, 1836, Millsaps was mustered into the service of Texas as a member of the Gonzales Ranging Company of Mounted Volunteers. He rode to the relief of the Alamo with this unit and arrived on March 1, 1836. Millsaps died in the battle of the Alamo on March 6, 1836. A letter once believed to have been written by Millsaps, in which details of the Alamo siege are described, has recently been proved a forgery.