Join the Alamo as we proudly salute our service members on our annual Military Appreciation Family Day. Veterans and all active-duty, reserve, and guard service members will receive free admission to the Alamo Exhibit at the Ralston Family Collections Center, plus free admission for one guest.
As an additional token of gratitude for their service, a limited quantity of exclusive challenge coins in the shape of the Alamo Church will be presented to veterans and active-duty, reserve, and guard service members.
The Alamo shares a rich history with the United States military. The U.S. Army called the Alamo home from 1845 through 1877, using the Church and its grounds as a quartermaster depot. During that time, the Army added a roof to the Church that included the iconic arch, a shape that's now recognizable across the world.

Event Information
Monday, November 11, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Alamo Plaza
Street Address:
Additional notes:
A visit to the Alamo and/or attendance at events is an agreement by the participant and/or the parent or guardian to allow the Alamo to photograph and/or film participants without compensation for possible use in digital/print marketing and publicity efforts. Please contact the Alamo’s marketing director at 210-225-1391 with questions or requests to exempt your image from potential promotional use.