Grading of the Project Area occurred throughout the week (Figures 1 and 2).
Mission Gate and Lunette Archaeology - February 27
Due to the uneven elevation of the plaza, soil removal ranged between approximately 6-12 inches below surface. The 1976-era planter located at the northern-most extent of the Project Area was also partially removed (Figure 3).
Spoils from previously excavated areas are being re-used to level out the Project Area. This has resulted in the current level (and an approximate thickness of 4-10 inches) to be comprised of already excavated soils. The location of the helical piles was graded to approximately 10 inches below the street level and compacted via machine. Spoils were also re-used to raise the elevation of the area where the lunette exhibit will be installed. Water was introduced to the soils to aid in compaction. Colorless glass was observed during the construction activities (Figure 4).
Non-excavation construction activities were the majority of the work for the week. The large live oak tree was relocated to its temporary location at the southern end of the Project Area. Concrete from the sidewalk was removed along the western edge of the Project Area (Figure 5). Spoils were hauled off.