Long Barrack Archaeology Update - June 28

June 28, 2024

Archaeologists continued to work within EU-30 this week and also revisited EUs- 8, 10, and 12 for additional cleaning.

In EU-30, archaeologists completed excavation to the terminal depth of 60 cm below surface. Similar to adjacent units, there were several utility conduits present in the modern soil deposit, which was the top approximately 30 cm. Once below the modern soil deposit, artifact counts increased dramatically. Artifacts included a variety of ceramics, metal fragments, and other assorted items. A surprising artifact was an almost complete Perdiz Point, which dates to approximately AD 1200-1700, and was found in a deposit thought to be approximately 1830s. This suggests the point was held by an individual(s) for several years. Archaeologists also revealed a continuation of the US Military era  wall footing previously exposed in EUs 10 and 21.

Group of archaeologists working outside of the Long Barrack
Archaeologists working at the Long Barrack site, photo facing west
Two pipe lines over an open excavation unit
EU-30 at 60 cm below surface, photo facing west
Ceramic fragments on a wire screen next to a ruler for size
Ceramics from EU-30

Archaeologists also returned to EUs 8, 10, and 12 to reveal the base of the Long Barrack wall’s footing. A small strip of sediment along the wall was excavated approximately 20 cm deeper. The objective was to expose the footing so the Alamo’s conservator can assess the conservation needs of the structure.

Arrow shaped artifact next to a ruler for size
Perdiz Point from EU-30
Archaeologist bent over looking inside an excavation unit
Archaeologist revealing the Long Barrack footing, photo facing west