Long Barrack Archaeology Update - August 23

August 23, 2024

Due to extreme heat, archaeologists limited time in the field this week. Only one excavation unit- EU-24-was active. Artifact processing continued in the lab.

In EU-24 archaeologists reached a depth of 90 cm below surface. Overall artifact density decreased. However, a compacted lime and caliche surface was encountered at approximately 80 cm below surface. This surface was documented and preliminary identified as a mission-era floor. Archaeologists only have one level left to excavate in this unit.

In the lab archaeologists continued to process artifacts. Some of the more exciting artifacts from the week include decorated ceramics, historic bottle finishes, a loop shank button, and a jewelry clasp.

Flat surface inside an excavation unit 90 cm below the surface
EU-24 at approximately 90 cm below surface, photo facing north.
Three pieces of ceramics on a gray surface next to a ruler for size
Spanish Colonial ceramics
Two historic glass bottle finishes on a gray background next to a ruler for size
Historic bottle finishes
Front side of round loop shank coin on a gray surface next to a ruler for size
Loop shank button, front
Two small historic jewelry clasps on a gray background next to a ruler for size
Jewelry clasp
Back side of a round loop shank coin on a gray surface next to a ruler for size
Loop shank button, back