Long Barrack Archaeology Update - August 16

August 16, 2024

Two excavation units—EU 24 and EU 31—were active this week. Artifact processing also continued in the lab.

In EU-24 archaeologists reached a depth of 50 cm below surface. A burning episode was encountered approximately 25 cm below surface and continues below the current depth. This episode was identified by a charcoal rich deposit of soil and burned compacted lime. This deposit corresponds to a previous burning episode identified in the adjacent unit. Artifacts within this unit include Spanish Colonial ceramics, metal fragments, a clay marble, buttons, and a Guerrero projectile point.

Inside an excavation unit about 50 cm below the surface
EU-24 at approximately 50 cm below surface, photo facing east.
Triangular shaped Guerrero Point next to a ruler on a green flat surface
Guerrero Point from EU-24.

Archaeologists in EU-31 reached the required terminal depth of approximately 60 cm below surface. This unit had two utility conduits extending across the entire area. Based on the deposition of the soils it is likely that when the utilities were installed, all of the same soils were used to backfill the utility trenches. This turned out to be quite lucky for the archaeologists as several interesting artifacts were recovered from this unit. Several dozen ceramics, buttons, a biface, and a total of 37 projectiles- to include a bronze canister shot.

Crossed pipes on top of an excavation unit about 60 cm below the surface
EU-31 at approximately 60 cm below surface, photo facing west.
Two pieces of ceramics with bright orange markings next a ruler on a bed of gravel
Ceramics from EU-31.
Oval shaped gray flat rock next to a ruler on a bed of gravel
Biface from EU-31.
Rows of small, round ammunition next a ruler pointing North on a bed of gravel
A sample of the ammunition recovered from EU-31.