Rules of Reverence

The Alamo has a unique set of rules befitting its status as the Shrine of Texas Liberty and hallowed ground. The following policies for admission exist to ensure a positive experience for all guests, a safe and reverent atmosphere at the Alamo Complex, and the preservation of its historic structures for generations to come.

Site Rules

  1. Guests, please remove your hats inside the historic Church.
  2. No open food or drinks are allowed inside of the Church, Long Barrack, or Collections Center.
  3. No flash photography permitted inside the historic structures.
  4. No pets (Service animals allowed in accordance with the ADA). Dogs are allowed in Plaza de Valero, but must be on a leash.
  5. No obscene or offensive language on clothing.
  6. No jogging, bicycles, skateboards, hoverboards, or drones.
  7. No alcohol, smoking, vaping, or other use of tobacco products.
  8. No professional photography or videography. (See below)
  9. No unauthorized use of firearms. (Concealed and open carry allowed with permit only)
  10. No soliciting, disruptive, or disrespectful behavior.
  11. No busking. Signs with websites, social media accounts, donation links, self-promotion, or commercialization of any kind are prohibited.
  12. No wedding ceremonies in Alamo Plaza or inside Alamo Church.

Visitor Expression

The Alamo Complex stands as a memorial to not only the heroes of the Texas Revolution, but those who came before and after the historic battle who also built and shaped Texas. The Alamo also stands for freedom, and supports the freedoms laid out in our Federal and State Constitutions, including the free speech guarantees of the First Amendment. Pursuant to purposes stated above, and as described below, only certain areas of the Alamo Complex are available for events and expression by members of the public. The remainder of the Alamo Complex is a nonpublic forum. Alamo staff and official volunteers reserve the right to request visitors to respect this policy or vacate the premises.

Due to ongoing preservation and restoration projects, we are currently unable to plan for large events in front of the Alamo Chapel or Alamo Plaza.

Designated Free Speech Zone

The Alamo recognizes and respects the First Amendment rights of individuals and groups to express their views. To ensure a safe and organized environment for all visitors, a Designated Free Speech Zone is located on the southern portion of Plaza de Valero, near the H&M and Rivercenter Mall.

Map of Alamo Area district with a star denoting free speech space

This area is marked by a large star engraved with a quote:

Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech. -Benjamin Franklin

Tiles in the shape of a star inside a circle outside the H&m store

Use of this area does not require a permit. However, to help facilitate coordination among different individuals or groups who may wish to use the space, we appreciate advance notice at This allows us to assist with scheduling when needed and ensure a smooth experience for all.

Rules for Use of the Free Speech Zone:

  • No audio amplification is permitted.
  • No blocking of pedestrian pathways or interfering with visitor access.
  • No commercial solicitation (e.g., selling goods, advertising businesses or social media).
  • No physical structures (e.g., tables, tents, or signs affixed to the ground).

The Alamo remains committed to providing a respectful and open space for free expression while ensuring a safe and enjoyable visit for all guests.


As the Alamo Complex is a place of reverence, the Alamo staff and official Alamo volunteers reserve the right to request visitors to the interior and exterior features of the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza, whose clothing features obscene language or images, or encourages violent or illegal behavior, to conceal these messages or leave the Alamo Complex.

Out of respect and reverence, guests are asked to remove their hats before entering the Alamo Church.

Nudity is not permitted anywhere at the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza, Alamo staff and official volunteers reserve the right to request visitors appearing nude or partially nude to clothe themselves or leave the Alamo Complex. Local, State, and Federal rules and laws regarding indecent exposure, public lewdness, and indecency will be enforced when applicable.

Photography, Videography, Cell Phones, and Drones

The State of Texas has substantial interest in preserving the Alamo Complex, its structures and its history for generations to come. As certain technology has the potential to damage these structures and endanger visitor safety, flash photography is not allowed inside the Alamo Church and Long Barrack. The Alamo allows photography with cell phones or cameras but without the use of flash technology, including bulbs or LED lights.

Out of respect for other guests, use of a handheld device without headphones or ear buds, including cell phones, to play music, recordings, or other sound is not permitted at the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza.

Use of a drone, for personal or professional purposes, is not permitted anywhere at the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza, without an approved permit application. Apply for a film permit here.

Photography for private, noncommercial use is permitted at the Alamo Complex. Photographs cannot be commercially published, sold, or otherwise distributed without execution of a license agreement. Special areas and exhibits may prohibit photography from time to time. The use of flash is prohibited inside of the Alamo Complex historic structures. Tripods and other equipment are only allowed upon issuance of a right of entry agreement for professional photography and videography. Apply for a film permit here. Please note that Alamo Plaza is a pedestrian area only, closed to vehicular traffic from Houston Street to Crockett Street. Film requests for a vehicle to be photographed on the plaza will be declined. 

For media and other special photography or videography inquiries, please contact the Alamo Trust, Inc.'s Director of Communications and Community Outreach by phone at 210-225-1391.

The Alamo Trust, Inc. and the Texas General Land Office reserve the right to withhold or withdraw photography and videography permits, licensing, and image use agreements at their discretion.

The Alamo only lights the Church facade with neutral white light to illuminate this powerful symbol and artifact. We are unable to accommodate requests for lighting the Alamo Church with colored gels to honor other causes.

Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, Hoverboards, and Segways

To ensure structural preservation and visitor safety, bicycles, skateboards, scooters, hoverboards, Segways, and related modes of transportation, motorized or not, are not permitted at any of the interior or exterior features of the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza. Visitors are welcome to take any such mode of transportation to the Alamo Complex, as long as the vehicle itself does not reach the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza.

Pursuant to San Antonio City Ordinance Article XIX, Section 19, operation and parking of motor-assisted scooters and similar modes of transportations is not permitted at Alamo Plaza. Under Section 19-667, the City of San Antonio has the power to enforce regulations related to motor-assisted scooters and take necessary action upon observing a violation. Under Section 19-668, "any person who violates any of the provisions of this article shall be guilty of Class C misdemeanor and upon adjudication or conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not to exceed 500 hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense."

Performances at the Plaza de Valero Pavilion

The Plaza de Valero Pavilion, managed by the Alamo Trust, Inc. on behalf of the Texas General Land Office, is a dedicated space that can hold performances to celebrate our shared history, culture, and community. To ensure all performances align with the Alamo's mission of preserving its dignity and reverence, pre-approval is required for all activities.

If you’re interested in performing at the Plaza de Valero Pavilion, please complete the Performance Request Form. Performances must be family-friendly, respectful of the Alamo’s historical significance, and comply with city ordinances. All applications will be reviewed promptly.

Strollers, Wheelchairs, and Similar Equipment

Strollers are permitted at the Alamo Complex. Wheelchairs, handicap electric scooters, and any other mode of transportation authorized by medical professionals for handicap assistance are also permitted at the Alamo Complex.


Visitors to the Alamo Church, Long Barrack, and other interior features of the Alamo Complex are asked to speak in tones that are respectful of others, as well as the sacrifice of the soldiers who gave their lives in the 1836 battle. Alamo staff and official volunteers reserve the right to request visitors engaging in excessive or disruptive screaming, yelling, chanting, or singing anywhere at the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza, to limit this behavior or leave the premises, when such behavior disturbs the safety, welfare, and/or educational experience of other visitors.

The State of Texas has a substantial interest in preserving the Alamo Complex, its structures and history for generations to come, and ensuring the safety of visitors thereto. To this extent amplified sound equipment is not permitted within 50 yards of the Alamo Church or Long Barrack without prior consultation with the Alamo staff and permission of the Alamo Trust, Inc. and the Texas General Land Office, as amplified sound can have damaging effects on historic structures. Amplified sound equipment is not limited to, but includes, bull horns, auto horns, whistles, megaphones, microphones, lavalier microphones, boom poles, speakers, amplifiers, and other professional recording or listening devices which may emit sound at levels over 80 decibels.

Guests who wish to use amplified sound equipment for personal, professional or promotional purposes should contact the Alamo Trust, Inc. and the Texas General Land Office prior to visiting the Alamo Complex, including Alamo Plaza, with any such equipment. To ensure the safety of visitors and preservation of the historic structures, the GLO may issue a right of entry agreement specifying dates, times, and purposes for which the equipment may be used. The Texas General Land Office reserves the right to deny use of such equipment for purposes which are illegal and those that interfere with ongoing restoration and preservation projects at the Alamo Complex, daily maintenance operations of the Alamo Trust, Inc. and the GLO, previously scheduled events, the education experience of guests, a reverent atmosphere, or that could endanger the health, safety, and/or welfare of visitors and Alamo staff and volunteers.

Promotion, Advertising, and Soliciting

The State has a substantial interest in preservation of the Alamo Complex, which includes protecting the natural and historic environment of the Complex, preserving the reverent and education atmosphere, and promoting preservation and restoration efforts. Thus, commercial speech, including promotional materials, advertisements, and solicitations are not permitted at the Alamo Complex. Alamo staff and official volunteers reserve the right to request guests engaging in such behavior to cease the activity immediately or vacate the premises.

Any false or deceptive commercial activities will be reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

External and 3rd Party Tours in the Plaza

All external, 3rd Party organizations and Tour Guides not affiliated with Alamo Trust, Inc. (ATI) or the General Land Office (GLO) are not allowed to conduct/lead independent tours through the Church, the Long Barrack, the Alamo grounds, or Alamo Plaza. These groups can bring groups onto the Plaza and the Grounds but must allow the individuals of the group to visit at their leisure. Tour Guides/Tour Leaders may answer questions for the groups participants or direct them to specific areas of the grounds but are not allowed to give any historic or educational interpretation on Alamo property. This includes: ghost tours, Segway tours, jogging tours, bike tours, public city tours, independent company tours, etc.

Alamo Property in the Plaza

All Alamo property (display weapons, utensils, tents, gear, equipment, mobile displays, etc.) can only be handled by Alamo Trust, Inc. (ATI) employees. Visitors are prohibited from moving, adjusting, or handling any Alamo property unless otherwise instructed. Brochures and handouts may be an exception to this rule. Any visitor found moving, tempering, or mishandling Alamo property will be advised on the Alamo property policy. If a visitor continues, Alamo Rangers will be notified and address the issue with the visitor accordingly.

During operating hours Alamo property can only be handled by specific employees according to ATI department ownership of the property (i.e. Visitor Services can help handle Welcome Center equipment, Living History can handle weapons and tents, etc.).  

All Audio Tour equipment purchased and used by visitors must be returned before close of business. Audio Wands may be dropped in the Audio Tour drop-boxes around the grounds, left at the Welcome Center, or left with an ATI employee. Guided Tour headsets must be returned to the ATI Tour Guide after the tour has concluded.  Collection of Audio Tour and Guided Tour equipment is the responsibility of the ATI Visitor Services department. 

Before and after close of business all Alamo property (display weapons, utensils, tents, gear or equipment) should be stored and locked in usual places each day. Exceptions may be made for special events or circumstances, but arrangements must be made in advance with security to monitor and guard the property in off hours. During closing procedures all cash and valuable open ATI equipment will be taken into the grounds to the designated storage areas. During non-operating hours the Welcome Center will be covered and locked to prevent any public interference. Security will monitor the Welcome Center to verify that it has is not been tampered with by the public.